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Products > Additional Imaging Options

Additional Imaging Options

Further customize the product to your requirements for improved performances in your measurement contexts and increased versatility. A variety of options and accessories are available.

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Software / Firmware

Integrated software and complete Software Development Kit solution, compatible with Linux operating software. Contact us for more details on supported Linux distributions.

Plugins enabling the integrated use of the camera through other commercial software.

Time Delay Integration is a line scanning acquisition mode allowing for faster acquisitions with a significantly higher effective exposure time on fast-moving samples.

Readout mode enabling bursts of images with short exposure times and low latency between successive exposures.

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Replaces Gigabit Ethernet default option with PCIe Camera Link communication.


Time drifting correction using GPS for precise image time-stamping. Can be used for synchronous acquisitions between any numbers of devices.

Complete passive heat extraction for the thermoelectric cooling unit and the electronics. This enables using the camera in total and near vacuum conditions as well as temperature or atmospheric-disruption sensitive environments.

Thermoelectric chiller tested and verified for optimal performances when using liquid cooling on Nüvü Cameras products.

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Sensor customization

Lumogen  coating for improved response in the  wavelengths.

 sensor designed for  detection with natively improved response in the  wavelengths.

 sensor with narrower but higher quantum efficiency peak response rate in the visible wavelengths.

Development and integration of custom hardware and software solutions tailored to your application’s requirements.

Support & Services

On-site assistance for the installation and integration of our product to your system.

Advice from our software experts to integrate the Nüvü Software Development Kit and its product control functionalities in a program to your specifications or your existing acquisition control program.

Complete services for the shipping and handling of our products from our facilities to your door.

All Nüvü Camēras products include a warranty for parts and labor for a year, subject to the terms and conditions expressed in the respective product user manuals. If need be, Nüvü Camēras offers a camera loan service for the repair duration within the warranty period.

Extended warranty is available for purchase in 1-year increments up to a maximum of 5 years for all Nüvü Camēras products.

Ready to count Photons?

Any questions about EMCCD or low light imaging? Nüvü Camēras experts can provide advices on your low light imaging options.

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