
Nouvelles et événements

Testbed for coupling starlight into fibers and astrophotonic instruments

Progress report on the NASA probe mission concept, CETUS

Atmospheric turbulence profiling with a Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor

KalAO the swift adaptive optics imager on the 1.2m Euler Swiss telescope in La Silla, Chile

Controlling EMCCD charge handling capacity through customized clocking

GPI 2.0: design of the pyramid wave front sensor upgrade for GPI

GPI 2.0: upgrading the Gemini Planet Imager

Photon counting and precision photometry for the Roman Space Telescope Coronagraph

FIREBAll-2 thermal control system: Performance of the 2018 flight and improvements for 2021

Delta-doped EMCCDs for sub-orbital and space based missions